Module concur.draw

Passive geometric shape widgets to be drawn as image() or frame() overlay, or on their own.

All these widgets have the following in common:

  • They are passive, so they don't need names. For active overlay, several mechanisms can be used, listed below.
  • They don't do automatic layout. Instead the exact position is specified by hand.
  • Color can be specified in several ways:
    • RGBA tuple with values between 0 and 1. For example, (0.5, 0.5, 1, 1) is light blue.
    • RGB tuple with values between 0 and 1. The result is opaque.
    • String specifying a color from the xkcd color set, for example, 'red'.
    • (str, float) pair, where the first element specifies color, and the second element specifies alpha.
    • A single int, specifying ABGR color. For example, 0xffaa0000 is dark blue.
  • tf is the TF object specifying transformations from screen-space to image-space and back. If no transformation is supplied, the element is drawn in screen space units.

Theses widgets are not re-exported in the root module, and are normally used as c.draw.line(…), etc. They can be composed normally using the orr() function.

Creating Interactive Overlays

There are several ways of creating overlays which react to user input.

  • Using interactive widgets as overlay. Widgets, such as buttons, can be displayed as overlay at a specified position using the transform() function. This can be used also for dragging stuff by wrapping the widget in a draggable(). To create rectangular clickable areas, the invisible_button() widget can be used. See the image example for a basic usage example.

  • Using the events managed by image() and frame(). The drag_tag, down_tag, and hover_tag arguments can be used to implement complex interactions, such as control point editing. See the image_events example for a basic usage example. This option will give you click/hover positions and drag deltas, but it is up to you to implement any logic on top of that, such as highlighting the hovered line, etc.

  • Using the mouse_click() widget. This widget just returns mouse position for any click not inside any widget. This is the simplest option, but it is probably better to use the other options. See the annotation tool example for an usage example.

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""" Passive geometric shape widgets to be drawn as `concur.extra_widgets.image.image` or `concur.extra_widgets.frame.frame` overlay, or on their own.

All these widgets have the following in common:

* They are passive, so they don't need names. For active overlay, several mechanisms can be used, listed below.
* They don't do automatic layout. Instead the exact position is specified by hand.
* Color can be specified in several ways:
    * RGBA tuple with values between 0 and 1. For example, `(0.5, 0.5, 1, 1)` is light blue.
    * RGB tuple with values between 0 and 1. The result is opaque.
    * String specifying a color from the [xkcd color set](, for example, `'red'`.
    * `(str, float)` pair, where the first element specifies color, and the second element specifies alpha.
    * A single `int`, specifying ABGR color. For example, `0xffaa0000` is dark blue.
* `tf` is the `concur.extra_widgets.pan_zoom.TF` object specifying transformations from screen-space to image-space and back.
  If no transformation is supplied, the element is drawn in screen space units.

Theses widgets are not re-exported in the root module, and are normally used as `c.draw.line(...)`, etc.
They can be composed normally using the `concur.core.orr` function.

## Creating Interactive Overlays

There are several ways of creating overlays which react to user input.

* **Using interactive widgets as overlay**. Widgets, such as buttons, can be displayed as overlay at a specified
  position using the `concur.widgets.transform` function. This can be used also for dragging stuff by wrapping the
  widget in a `concur.extra_widgets.draggable.draggable`. To create rectangular clickable areas,
  the `concur.widgets.invisible_button` widget can be used. See the
  [image example]( for a basic usage example.

* **Using the events managed by `concur.extra_widgets.image.image` and `concur.extra_widgets.frame.frame`**. The
  `drag_tag`, `down_tag`, and `hover_tag` arguments can be used to implement complex interactions, such as control point
  editing. See the
  [image_events]( example for
  a basic usage example. This option will give you click/hover positions and drag deltas, but it is up to you to
  implement any logic on top of that, such as highlighting the hovered line, etc.

* **Using the `concur.widgets.mouse_click` widget**. This widget just returns mouse position for any click not inside any
  widget. This is the simplest option, but it is probably better to use the other options. See the
  [annotation tool]( example for an usage example.

import numpy as np
import imgui
from concur.colors import color_to_rgba
from concur.core import nothing

__pdoc__ = dict(prepare_polyline_points=False)

def line(x0, y0, x1, y1, color, thickness=1, tf=None):
    """ Line connecting two points. """
    if tf is not None:
        [x0, y0], [x1, y1] = tf.transform(np.array([[x0, y0], [x1, y1]]))
    draw_list = imgui.get_window_draw_list()
    col = color_to_rgba(color)
    while True:
        draw_list.add_line(x0, y0, x1, y1, col, thickness)

def rect(x0, y0, x1, y1, color, thickness=1, rounding=0, tf=None):
    """ Straight non-filled rectangle specified by its two corners. """
    if tf is not None:
        [x0, y0], [x1, y1] = tf.transform(np.array([[x0, y0], [x1, y1]]))
    # Avoid issues with disappearing lines on very large rectangles
    x0, x1 = np.clip([x0, x1], -8192, 8192)
    y0, y1 = np.clip([y0, y1], -8192, 8192)
    draw_list = imgui.get_window_draw_list()
    col = color_to_rgba(color)
    while True:
        draw_list.add_rect(x0, y0, x1, y1, col, rounding, 15 if rounding else 0, thickness)

def rects(rects, color, thickness=1, tf=None):
    """ Multiple straight non-filled rectangles specified by their two corners.

    `rects` is a NumPy array of shape `(n, 4)`, where `n` is the number of rectangles.
    if len(rects) == 0:
        while True:
    if tf is not None:
        rects = tf.transform(rects.reshape(-1, 2)).reshape(rects.shape)
    # Avoid issues with disappearing lines on very large rectangles
    rects = np.clip(rects, -8192, 8192)
    polys = np.empty((len(rects), 4, 2), dtype=rects.dtype)
    polys[:, 0] = rects[:, :2]
    polys[:, 1, 0] = rects[:, 0]
    polys[:, 1, 1] = rects[:, 3]
    polys[:, 2] = rects[:, 2:]
    polys[:, 3, 0] = rects[:, 2]
    polys[:, 3, 1] = rects[:, 1]
    draw_list = imgui.get_window_draw_list()
    col = color_to_rgba(color)
    while True:
        draw_list.add_polylines(polys, col, True, thickness)

def rect_filled(x0, y0, x1, y1, color, rounding=0, tf=None):
    """ Straight non-filled rectangle specified by its two corners. """
    if tf is not None:
        [x0, y0], [x1, y1] = tf.transform(np.array([[x0, y0], [x1, y1]]))
    # Avoid issues with disappearing lines on very large rectangles
    x0, x1 = np.clip([x0, x1], -8192, 8192)
    y0, y1 = np.clip([y0, y1], -8192, 8192)
    draw_list = imgui.get_window_draw_list()
    col = color_to_rgba(color)
    while True:
        draw_list.add_rect_filled(x0, y0, x1, y1, col, rounding, 15 if rounding else 0)

def circle(cx, cy, radius, color, thickness=1, num_segments=16, tf=None):
    """ Circle specified by its center and radius. """
    if tf is not None:
        assert np.allclose(np.abs(tf.c2s[0, 0]), np.abs(tf.c2s[1, 1])), \
            "`tf` must be aspect ratio preserving to draw circles. Use `ellipse` instead, if it isn't the case."
        [cx, cy], radius = np.matmul(tf.c2s, [cx, cy, 1]), radius * tf.c2s[0, 0]
    draw_list = imgui.get_window_draw_list()
    col = color_to_rgba(color)
    while True:
        draw_list.add_circle(cx, cy, radius, col, num_segments=num_segments, thickness=thickness)

def prepare_polyline_points(points, tf):
    if len(points) == 0:
        return np.zeros((0, 2))
    if not isinstance(points, np.ndarray):
        points = np.array(points)
    if tf is not None:
        points = tf.transform(points)
    return points

def polyline(points, color, closed=False, thickness=1, tf=None):
    """ Polygonal line or a closed polygon.

    `points` is a list of (x, y) tuples, or a NumPy array of equivalent shape.
    points = prepare_polyline_points(points, tf)
    draw_list = imgui.get_window_draw_list()
    col = color_to_rgba(color)
    while True:
        draw_list.add_polyline(points, col, closed, thickness)

def polygon(points, color, tf=None):
    """ Filled polygon. Points must form a convex area.

    `points` is a list of (x, y) tuples, or a NumPy array of equivalent shape.
    points = prepare_polyline_points(points, tf)
    draw_list = imgui.get_window_draw_list()
    col = color_to_rgba(color)
    while True:
        draw_list.add_convex_poly_filled(points, col)

def polylines(points, color, closed=False, thickness=1, tf=None):
    """ Multiple polygonal lines with the same length and parameters.

    Calling this function is more efficient than calling `polyline` multiple times, because all the data is given
    to the C++ back-end in one Python call, and because transformation is vectorized.

    `points` is a NumPy array with shape `(n, m, 2)`, where `n` is the number of polylines, and `m` is the number of points
    in each polyline.
    if len(points) == 0:
        while True:
    if tf is not None:
        points = tf.transform(points.reshape(-1, 2)).reshape(points.shape)
    draw_list = imgui.get_window_draw_list()
    col = color_to_rgba(color)
    while True:
        draw_list.add_polylines(points, col, closed, thickness)

def polygons(points, color, tf=None):
    """ Multiple filled polygons with the same length and color.

    Calling this function is more efficient than calling `polygon` multiple times, because all the data is given
    to the C++ back-end in one Python call, and because transformation is vectorized.

    `points` is a NumPy array with shape `(n, m, 2)`, where `n` is the number of polygons, and `m` is the number of points
    in each polyline.
    if tf is not None:
        points = tf.transform(points.reshape(-1, 2)).reshape(points.shape)
    draw_list = imgui.get_window_draw_list()
    col = color_to_rgba(color)
    while True:
        draw_list.add_convex_polys_filled(points, col)

def text(string, x, y, color, tf=None):
    """ Text, using the default font and font size.

    This is a raw drawing function. Use `concur.widgets.text` instead if you want a text widget.
    if tf is not None:
        x, y = np.matmul(tf.c2s, [x, y, 1])
    col = color_to_rgba(color)
    while True:
        # Text was hanging the application if too far away
        if -8192 < x < 8192 and -8192 < y < 8192:
            draw_list = imgui.get_window_draw_list()
            draw_list.add_text(x, y, col, string)

def image(tex_id, x, y, width, height, uv_a=(0, 0), uv_b=(1, 1), tf=None):
    """ Draw an image with the given origin (x, y), width and height.

    This is a raw drawing function. Use `concur.extra_widgets.image.image` instead
    if you want an image widget. Note that OpenGL textures may be rendered incorrectly
    if width or height isn't divisible by 4.
    p1, p2 = [x, y], [x + width, y + height]
    if tf is not None:
        p1, p2 = tf.transform(np.array([p1, p2]))

    draw_list = imgui.get_window_draw_list()
    while True:
        draw_list.add_image(tex_id, tuple(p1), tuple(p2), uv_a, uv_b)

def ellipse(mean, cov, sd, color, thickness=1, num_segments=16, tf=None):
    "Ellipse defined by a mean, covariance matrix, and SD."
    [e1, e2], vs = np.linalg.eig(cov)
    assert e1 > 0 and e2 > 0, "cov must be positive-semidefinite"
    v1, v2 = vs.T
    t = np.linspace(0, np.pi * 2, num_segments, endpoint=False).reshape(-1, 1)
    el = v1 * np.sin(t) * np.sqrt(e1) * sd + v2 * np.cos(t) * np.sqrt(e2) * sd
    return polyline(el + mean, color, True, thickness, tf=tf)

def ellipses(means, covs, sd, color, thickness=1, num_segments=16, tf=None):
    """Multiple ellipses defined by a means, covariance matrices, and SD.

    The call is very similar to `ellipse`, but `mean` and `cov` are vectorized: there is one more dimension (zeroth) for both.
    For `n` ellipses, the shape of `mean` is `(n, 2)`, and the shape of `cov` is `(n, 2, 2)`.
    if len(means) == 0 and len(covs) == 0:
        return nothing()
    assert len(means) == len(covs)
    assert len(means.shape) == 2 and means.shape[1] == 2
    assert len(covs.shape) == 3 and covs.shape[1] == 2 and covs.shape[2] == 2
    es, vs = np.linalg.eig(covs)
    assert np.all(es > 0), "covariance matrices must be positive-semidefinite"
    v1 = vs[..., 0].reshape(-1, 1, 2)
    v2 = vs[..., 1].reshape(-1, 1, 2)
    e1 = es[:, 0].reshape(-1, 1, 1)
    e2 = es[:, 1].reshape(-1, 1, 1)
    t = np.linspace(0, np.pi*2, num_segments, endpoint=False).reshape(-1, 1)
    el = v1 * np.sin(t) * np.sqrt(e1) * sd + v2 * np.cos(t) * np.sqrt(e2) * sd
    return polylines(el + means.reshape(-1, 1, 2), color, True, thickness, tf=tf)

def scatter(pts, color, marker, marker_size=10, thickness=1, tf=None):
    """Draw a scatter plot with given marker settings.

    If multiple settings are desired (such as two distinct point colors), call
    this function more than once with different parameters.

    Some markers are more performant than others, depending on the amount of
    generated geometry.

      pts: NumPy array with shape `(n, 2)`, where `n` is the point count.
      color: Color to draw the markers.
      marker: Marker type. See the table below.
      marker_size: Size of the markers in pixels.
      thickness: Line width for non-filled markers
    marker | description
    ------ | ---
    `"."`  | filled square
    `"x"`  | cross
    `"+"`  | plus sign
    `"o"`  | non-filled circle
    `"s"`  | non-filled square
    `"|"`  | vertical line
    `"-"`  | horizontal line
    if len(pts) == 0:
        pts = pts.reshape(-1, 2)
    assert len(pts.shape) == 2 and pts.shape[1] == 2
    if tf is not None:
        pts = tf.transform(pts)

    if marker == '.':
        r = marker_size / 2
        polys = np.empty((len(pts), 4, 2))
        polys[:, 0, :] = pts + [-r, -r]
        polys[:, 1, :] = pts + [r, -r]
        polys[:, 2, :] = pts + [r, r]
        polys[:, 3, :] = pts + [-r, r]
        return polygons(polys, color)
    elif marker == '+':
        r = marker_size / 2
        polys = np.empty((len(pts) * 2, 2, 2))
        polys[0::2, 0, :] = pts - [r, 0]
        polys[0::2, 1, :] = pts + [r, 0]
        polys[1::2, 0, :] = pts - [0, r]
        polys[1::2, 1, :] = pts + [0, r]
        return polylines(polys, color, False, thickness)
    elif marker in ['X', 'x', '×']:
        r = marker_size / np.sqrt(8)
        polys = np.empty((len(pts) * 2, 2, 2))
        polys[0::2, 0, :] = pts - [r, r]
        polys[0::2, 1, :] = pts + [r, r]
        polys[1::2, 0, :] = pts - [-r, r]
        polys[1::2, 1, :] = pts + [-r, r]
        return polylines(polys, color, False, thickness)
    elif marker in ['O', 'o']:
        r = marker_size / 2
        n_verts = 7
        t = np.linspace(0, np.pi * 2, n_verts, endpoint=False)
        polys = np.empty((len(pts), n_verts, 2))
        polys[..., 0] = np.sin(t) * r
        polys[..., 1] = np.cos(t) * r
        polys += pts.reshape(-1, 1, 2)
        return polylines(polys, color, True, thickness)
    elif marker in ['s', 'S']:
        r = marker_size / 2
        t = np.pi/4 + np.linspace(0, np.pi * 2, 4, endpoint=False)
        polys = np.empty((len(pts), 4, 2))
        polys[..., 0] = np.sin(t) * r
        polys[..., 1] = np.cos(t) * r
        polys += pts.reshape(-1, 1, 2)
        return polylines(polys, color, True, thickness)
    elif marker == '|':
        r = marker_size / 2
        polys = np.empty((len(pts), 2, 2))
        polys[:, 0, :] = pts - [0, r]
        polys[:, 1, :] = pts + [0, r]
        return polylines(polys, color, False, thickness)
    elif marker == '-':
        r = marker_size / 2
        polys = np.empty((len(pts), 2, 2))
        polys[:, 0, :] = pts - [r, 0]
        polys[:, 1, :] = pts + [r, 0]
        return polylines(polys, color, False, thickness)
        raise ValueError('Invalid marker')


def circle(cx, cy, radius, color, thickness=1, num_segments=16, tf=None)

Circle specified by its center and radius.

Expand source code
def circle(cx, cy, radius, color, thickness=1, num_segments=16, tf=None):
    """ Circle specified by its center and radius. """
    if tf is not None:
        assert np.allclose(np.abs(tf.c2s[0, 0]), np.abs(tf.c2s[1, 1])), \
            "`tf` must be aspect ratio preserving to draw circles. Use `ellipse` instead, if it isn't the case."
        [cx, cy], radius = np.matmul(tf.c2s, [cx, cy, 1]), radius * tf.c2s[0, 0]
    draw_list = imgui.get_window_draw_list()
    col = color_to_rgba(color)
    while True:
        draw_list.add_circle(cx, cy, radius, col, num_segments=num_segments, thickness=thickness)
def ellipse(mean, cov, sd, color, thickness=1, num_segments=16, tf=None)

Ellipse defined by a mean, covariance matrix, and SD.

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def ellipse(mean, cov, sd, color, thickness=1, num_segments=16, tf=None):
    "Ellipse defined by a mean, covariance matrix, and SD."
    [e1, e2], vs = np.linalg.eig(cov)
    assert e1 > 0 and e2 > 0, "cov must be positive-semidefinite"
    v1, v2 = vs.T
    t = np.linspace(0, np.pi * 2, num_segments, endpoint=False).reshape(-1, 1)
    el = v1 * np.sin(t) * np.sqrt(e1) * sd + v2 * np.cos(t) * np.sqrt(e2) * sd
    return polyline(el + mean, color, True, thickness, tf=tf)
def ellipses(means, covs, sd, color, thickness=1, num_segments=16, tf=None)

Multiple ellipses defined by a means, covariance matrices, and SD.

The call is very similar to ellipse(), but mean and cov are vectorized: there is one more dimension (zeroth) for both. For n ellipses, the shape of mean is (n, 2), and the shape of cov is (n, 2, 2).

Expand source code
def ellipses(means, covs, sd, color, thickness=1, num_segments=16, tf=None):
    """Multiple ellipses defined by a means, covariance matrices, and SD.

    The call is very similar to `ellipse`, but `mean` and `cov` are vectorized: there is one more dimension (zeroth) for both.
    For `n` ellipses, the shape of `mean` is `(n, 2)`, and the shape of `cov` is `(n, 2, 2)`.
    if len(means) == 0 and len(covs) == 0:
        return nothing()
    assert len(means) == len(covs)
    assert len(means.shape) == 2 and means.shape[1] == 2
    assert len(covs.shape) == 3 and covs.shape[1] == 2 and covs.shape[2] == 2
    es, vs = np.linalg.eig(covs)
    assert np.all(es > 0), "covariance matrices must be positive-semidefinite"
    v1 = vs[..., 0].reshape(-1, 1, 2)
    v2 = vs[..., 1].reshape(-1, 1, 2)
    e1 = es[:, 0].reshape(-1, 1, 1)
    e2 = es[:, 1].reshape(-1, 1, 1)
    t = np.linspace(0, np.pi*2, num_segments, endpoint=False).reshape(-1, 1)
    el = v1 * np.sin(t) * np.sqrt(e1) * sd + v2 * np.cos(t) * np.sqrt(e2) * sd
    return polylines(el + means.reshape(-1, 1, 2), color, True, thickness, tf=tf)
def image(tex_id, x, y, width, height, uv_a=(0, 0), uv_b=(1, 1), tf=None)

Draw an image with the given origin (x, y), width and height.

This is a raw drawing function. Use image() instead if you want an image widget. Note that OpenGL textures may be rendered incorrectly if width or height isn't divisible by 4.

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def image(tex_id, x, y, width, height, uv_a=(0, 0), uv_b=(1, 1), tf=None):
    """ Draw an image with the given origin (x, y), width and height.

    This is a raw drawing function. Use `concur.extra_widgets.image.image` instead
    if you want an image widget. Note that OpenGL textures may be rendered incorrectly
    if width or height isn't divisible by 4.
    p1, p2 = [x, y], [x + width, y + height]
    if tf is not None:
        p1, p2 = tf.transform(np.array([p1, p2]))

    draw_list = imgui.get_window_draw_list()
    while True:
        draw_list.add_image(tex_id, tuple(p1), tuple(p2), uv_a, uv_b)
def line(x0, y0, x1, y1, color, thickness=1, tf=None)

Line connecting two points.

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def line(x0, y0, x1, y1, color, thickness=1, tf=None):
    """ Line connecting two points. """
    if tf is not None:
        [x0, y0], [x1, y1] = tf.transform(np.array([[x0, y0], [x1, y1]]))
    draw_list = imgui.get_window_draw_list()
    col = color_to_rgba(color)
    while True:
        draw_list.add_line(x0, y0, x1, y1, col, thickness)
def polygon(points, color, tf=None)

Filled polygon. Points must form a convex area.

points is a list of (x, y) tuples, or a NumPy array of equivalent shape.

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def polygon(points, color, tf=None):
    """ Filled polygon. Points must form a convex area.

    `points` is a list of (x, y) tuples, or a NumPy array of equivalent shape.
    points = prepare_polyline_points(points, tf)
    draw_list = imgui.get_window_draw_list()
    col = color_to_rgba(color)
    while True:
        draw_list.add_convex_poly_filled(points, col)
def polygons(points, color, tf=None)

Multiple filled polygons with the same length and color.

Calling this function is more efficient than calling polygon() multiple times, because all the data is given to the C++ back-end in one Python call, and because transformation is vectorized.

points is a NumPy array with shape (n, m, 2), where n is the number of polygons, and m is the number of points in each polyline.

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def polygons(points, color, tf=None):
    """ Multiple filled polygons with the same length and color.

    Calling this function is more efficient than calling `polygon` multiple times, because all the data is given
    to the C++ back-end in one Python call, and because transformation is vectorized.

    `points` is a NumPy array with shape `(n, m, 2)`, where `n` is the number of polygons, and `m` is the number of points
    in each polyline.
    if tf is not None:
        points = tf.transform(points.reshape(-1, 2)).reshape(points.shape)
    draw_list = imgui.get_window_draw_list()
    col = color_to_rgba(color)
    while True:
        draw_list.add_convex_polys_filled(points, col)
def polyline(points, color, closed=False, thickness=1, tf=None)

Polygonal line or a closed polygon.

points is a list of (x, y) tuples, or a NumPy array of equivalent shape.

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def polyline(points, color, closed=False, thickness=1, tf=None):
    """ Polygonal line or a closed polygon.

    `points` is a list of (x, y) tuples, or a NumPy array of equivalent shape.
    points = prepare_polyline_points(points, tf)
    draw_list = imgui.get_window_draw_list()
    col = color_to_rgba(color)
    while True:
        draw_list.add_polyline(points, col, closed, thickness)
def polylines(points, color, closed=False, thickness=1, tf=None)

Multiple polygonal lines with the same length and parameters.

Calling this function is more efficient than calling polyline() multiple times, because all the data is given to the C++ back-end in one Python call, and because transformation is vectorized.

points is a NumPy array with shape (n, m, 2), where n is the number of polylines, and m is the number of points in each polyline.

Expand source code
def polylines(points, color, closed=False, thickness=1, tf=None):
    """ Multiple polygonal lines with the same length and parameters.

    Calling this function is more efficient than calling `polyline` multiple times, because all the data is given
    to the C++ back-end in one Python call, and because transformation is vectorized.

    `points` is a NumPy array with shape `(n, m, 2)`, where `n` is the number of polylines, and `m` is the number of points
    in each polyline.
    if len(points) == 0:
        while True:
    if tf is not None:
        points = tf.transform(points.reshape(-1, 2)).reshape(points.shape)
    draw_list = imgui.get_window_draw_list()
    col = color_to_rgba(color)
    while True:
        draw_list.add_polylines(points, col, closed, thickness)
def rect(x0, y0, x1, y1, color, thickness=1, rounding=0, tf=None)

Straight non-filled rectangle specified by its two corners.

Expand source code
def rect(x0, y0, x1, y1, color, thickness=1, rounding=0, tf=None):
    """ Straight non-filled rectangle specified by its two corners. """
    if tf is not None:
        [x0, y0], [x1, y1] = tf.transform(np.array([[x0, y0], [x1, y1]]))
    # Avoid issues with disappearing lines on very large rectangles
    x0, x1 = np.clip([x0, x1], -8192, 8192)
    y0, y1 = np.clip([y0, y1], -8192, 8192)
    draw_list = imgui.get_window_draw_list()
    col = color_to_rgba(color)
    while True:
        draw_list.add_rect(x0, y0, x1, y1, col, rounding, 15 if rounding else 0, thickness)
def rect_filled(x0, y0, x1, y1, color, rounding=0, tf=None)

Straight non-filled rectangle specified by its two corners.

Expand source code
def rect_filled(x0, y0, x1, y1, color, rounding=0, tf=None):
    """ Straight non-filled rectangle specified by its two corners. """
    if tf is not None:
        [x0, y0], [x1, y1] = tf.transform(np.array([[x0, y0], [x1, y1]]))
    # Avoid issues with disappearing lines on very large rectangles
    x0, x1 = np.clip([x0, x1], -8192, 8192)
    y0, y1 = np.clip([y0, y1], -8192, 8192)
    draw_list = imgui.get_window_draw_list()
    col = color_to_rgba(color)
    while True:
        draw_list.add_rect_filled(x0, y0, x1, y1, col, rounding, 15 if rounding else 0)
def rects(rects, color, thickness=1, tf=None)

Multiple straight non-filled rectangles specified by their two corners.

rects() is a NumPy array of shape (n, 4), where n is the number of rectangles.

Expand source code
def rects(rects, color, thickness=1, tf=None):
    """ Multiple straight non-filled rectangles specified by their two corners.

    `rects` is a NumPy array of shape `(n, 4)`, where `n` is the number of rectangles.
    if len(rects) == 0:
        while True:
    if tf is not None:
        rects = tf.transform(rects.reshape(-1, 2)).reshape(rects.shape)
    # Avoid issues with disappearing lines on very large rectangles
    rects = np.clip(rects, -8192, 8192)
    polys = np.empty((len(rects), 4, 2), dtype=rects.dtype)
    polys[:, 0] = rects[:, :2]
    polys[:, 1, 0] = rects[:, 0]
    polys[:, 1, 1] = rects[:, 3]
    polys[:, 2] = rects[:, 2:]
    polys[:, 3, 0] = rects[:, 2]
    polys[:, 3, 1] = rects[:, 1]
    draw_list = imgui.get_window_draw_list()
    col = color_to_rgba(color)
    while True:
        draw_list.add_polylines(polys, col, True, thickness)
def scatter(pts, color, marker, marker_size=10, thickness=1, tf=None)

Draw a scatter plot with given marker settings.

If multiple settings are desired (such as two distinct point colors), call this function more than once with different parameters.

Some markers are more performant than others, depending on the amount of generated geometry.


NumPy array with shape (n, 2), where n is the point count.
Color to draw the markers.
Marker type. See the table below.
Size of the markers in pixels.
Line width for non-filled markers

marker description
"." filled square
"x" cross
"+" plus sign
"o" non-filled circle
"s" non-filled square
"|" vertical line
"-" horizontal line
Expand source code
def scatter(pts, color, marker, marker_size=10, thickness=1, tf=None):
    """Draw a scatter plot with given marker settings.

    If multiple settings are desired (such as two distinct point colors), call
    this function more than once with different parameters.

    Some markers are more performant than others, depending on the amount of
    generated geometry.

      pts: NumPy array with shape `(n, 2)`, where `n` is the point count.
      color: Color to draw the markers.
      marker: Marker type. See the table below.
      marker_size: Size of the markers in pixels.
      thickness: Line width for non-filled markers
    marker | description
    ------ | ---
    `"."`  | filled square
    `"x"`  | cross
    `"+"`  | plus sign
    `"o"`  | non-filled circle
    `"s"`  | non-filled square
    `"|"`  | vertical line
    `"-"`  | horizontal line
    if len(pts) == 0:
        pts = pts.reshape(-1, 2)
    assert len(pts.shape) == 2 and pts.shape[1] == 2
    if tf is not None:
        pts = tf.transform(pts)

    if marker == '.':
        r = marker_size / 2
        polys = np.empty((len(pts), 4, 2))
        polys[:, 0, :] = pts + [-r, -r]
        polys[:, 1, :] = pts + [r, -r]
        polys[:, 2, :] = pts + [r, r]
        polys[:, 3, :] = pts + [-r, r]
        return polygons(polys, color)
    elif marker == '+':
        r = marker_size / 2
        polys = np.empty((len(pts) * 2, 2, 2))
        polys[0::2, 0, :] = pts - [r, 0]
        polys[0::2, 1, :] = pts + [r, 0]
        polys[1::2, 0, :] = pts - [0, r]
        polys[1::2, 1, :] = pts + [0, r]
        return polylines(polys, color, False, thickness)
    elif marker in ['X', 'x', '×']:
        r = marker_size / np.sqrt(8)
        polys = np.empty((len(pts) * 2, 2, 2))
        polys[0::2, 0, :] = pts - [r, r]
        polys[0::2, 1, :] = pts + [r, r]
        polys[1::2, 0, :] = pts - [-r, r]
        polys[1::2, 1, :] = pts + [-r, r]
        return polylines(polys, color, False, thickness)
    elif marker in ['O', 'o']:
        r = marker_size / 2
        n_verts = 7
        t = np.linspace(0, np.pi * 2, n_verts, endpoint=False)
        polys = np.empty((len(pts), n_verts, 2))
        polys[..., 0] = np.sin(t) * r
        polys[..., 1] = np.cos(t) * r
        polys += pts.reshape(-1, 1, 2)
        return polylines(polys, color, True, thickness)
    elif marker in ['s', 'S']:
        r = marker_size / 2
        t = np.pi/4 + np.linspace(0, np.pi * 2, 4, endpoint=False)
        polys = np.empty((len(pts), 4, 2))
        polys[..., 0] = np.sin(t) * r
        polys[..., 1] = np.cos(t) * r
        polys += pts.reshape(-1, 1, 2)
        return polylines(polys, color, True, thickness)
    elif marker == '|':
        r = marker_size / 2
        polys = np.empty((len(pts), 2, 2))
        polys[:, 0, :] = pts - [0, r]
        polys[:, 1, :] = pts + [0, r]
        return polylines(polys, color, False, thickness)
    elif marker == '-':
        r = marker_size / 2
        polys = np.empty((len(pts), 2, 2))
        polys[:, 0, :] = pts - [r, 0]
        polys[:, 1, :] = pts + [r, 0]
        return polylines(polys, color, False, thickness)
        raise ValueError('Invalid marker')
def text(string, x, y, color, tf=None)

Text, using the default font and font size.

This is a raw drawing function. Use text() instead if you want a text widget.

Expand source code
def text(string, x, y, color, tf=None):
    """ Text, using the default font and font size.

    This is a raw drawing function. Use `concur.widgets.text` instead if you want a text widget.
    if tf is not None:
        x, y = np.matmul(tf.c2s, [x, y, 1])
    col = color_to_rgba(color)
    while True:
        # Text was hanging the application if too far away
        if -8192 < x < 8192 and -8192 < y < 8192:
            draw_list = imgui.get_window_draw_list()
            draw_list.add_text(x, y, col, string)