Module concur.extra_widgets.frame
Pannable, zoomable graph area with axes and gridlines.
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"""Pannable, zoomable graph area with axes and gridlines."""
from functools import partial
import imgui
import numpy as np
from concur.extra_widgets.pan_zoom import PanZoom, pan_zoom
import concur.draw as draw
from concur.core import lift, orr, optional, map
margins = [50, 10, -10, -20]
class Frame(PanZoom):
def __init__(self, top_left, bottom_right, keep_aspect=True, fix_axis=None):
Simple PanZoom re-export with specified margins.
top_left: Coordinates of the top left corner of the displayed content area.
bottom_right: Coordinates of the bottom right corner of the displayed content area.
keep_aspect: Keep aspect ratio (x/y) equal to a given constant and zoom proportionally.
if keep_aspect==True, it is equivalent to keep_aspect==1.
fix_axis: Do not zoom in a given axis (`'x'`, `'y'`, or `None`).
super().__init__(top_left, bottom_right, keep_aspect=keep_aspect, fix_axis=fix_axis, margins=margins)
def _frame(content_gen, show_grid, tf, event_gen):
min_tick_spacing = 50
viewport_s = [r + o for r, o in zip(tf.view_s, margins)]
viewport_c = np.concatenate([np.matmul(tf.s2c, [*viewport_s[:2], 1])[:2], np.matmul(tf.s2c, [*viewport_s[2:], 1])[:2]])
bg = draw.rect_filled(*tf.view_s, (1, 1, 1, 1))
if viewport_s[2] <= viewport_s[0] or viewport_s[3] <= viewport_s[1]:
return bg
def ticks(a, b, max_n_ticks):
a, b = min(a, b), max(a, b)
w = b - a
min_sep = w / max_n_ticks
candidates = np.array([10 ** np.floor(np.log10(min_sep)) * f for f in [1, 2, 5, 10]])
sep = candidates[candidates > min_sep]
if len(sep) == 0:
return []
sep = sep[0]
return np.arange(np.ceil(a / sep) * sep, b + 1e-10, sep)
hticks_c = ticks(viewport_c[3], viewport_c[1], (viewport_s[3] - viewport_s[1]) / min_tick_spacing)
vticks_c = ticks(viewport_c[2], viewport_c[0], (viewport_s[2] - viewport_s[0]) / min_tick_spacing)
hticks_s = np.matmul(tf.c2s, np.stack([np.zeros_like(hticks_c), hticks_c, np.ones_like(hticks_c)]))[1]
vticks_s = np.matmul(tf.c2s, np.stack([vticks_c, np.zeros_like(vticks_c), np.ones_like(vticks_c)]))[0]
def tick_labels():
def tick_format(ticks_c, align):
mag = max(1, abs(ticks_c[0]), abs(ticks_c[-1]))
stride = abs(ticks_c[1] - ticks_c[0]) if len(ticks_c) > 1 else 1
some_negative = ticks_c[0] < 0 or ticks_c[-1] < 0
msd = int(np.floor(np.log10(mag)))
lsd = int(np.minimum(0, np.floor(np.log10(stride))))
if 1 + msd - lsd + (lsd < 0) + some_negative > 6:
format = f"{{:{align}6.1g}}"
format = f"{{:{align}6.{-lsd}f}}"
return format
print(f"msd: {msd}, stride: {lsd}, n_chars: {1 + msd - lsd + (lsd < 0) + some_negative}")
format_x = f"{{:<6.{-lsd}f}}"
format_y = f"{{:>6.{-lsd}f}}"
xtick_labels = [
draw.text(tick_format(vticks_c, "<").format(tc), ts, viewport_s[3], (0, 0, 0, 1))
for ts, tc in zip(vticks_s, vticks_c)]
ytick_labels = [
draw.text(tick_format(hticks_c, ">").format(tc), viewport_s[0] - 45, ts - 7, (0, 0, 0, 1))
for ts, tc in zip(hticks_s, hticks_c)]
return orr(xtick_labels + ytick_labels)
def grid():
hlines = [draw.line(tf.view_s[0], tick, tf.view_s[2], tick, (0, 0, 0, 0.3)) for tick in hticks_s]
vlines = [draw.line(tick, tf.view_s[1], tick, tf.view_s[3], (0, 0, 0, 0.3)) for tick in vticks_s]
return orr(hlines + vlines)
return orr([
lift(imgui.push_clip_rect, *viewport_s, True),
optional(content_gen is not None, content_gen, tf, event_gen),
optional(show_grid, grid),
draw.rect(*viewport_s, (0, 0, 0, 1)),
def frame(name, state, width=None, height=None, content_gen=None, drag_tag=None, down_tag=None, hover_tag=None, show_grid=True):
"""The frame widget.
`state` is an instance of `Frame`. See the
[plot example](
for an usage example.
Content is specified using `content_gen`, analogously to how it's done in `concur.extra_widgets.image.image`.
def content_gen_with_opt_events(tf, event_gen):
if drag_tag or down_tag or hover_tag:
kwargs = dict(tf=tf, event_gen=event_gen)
kwargs = dict(tf=tf)
return optional(content_gen is not None, content_gen, **kwargs)
return map(
lambda v: ((v[0], v[1][0]) if v[1][0] is not None else v[1][1]),
name, state, width, height,
content_gen=partial(_frame, content_gen_with_opt_events, show_grid),
drag_tag=drag_tag, down_tag=down_tag, hover_tag=hover_tag
def frame(name, state, width=None, height=None, content_gen=None, drag_tag=None, down_tag=None, hover_tag=None, show_grid=True)
The frame widget.
is an instance ofFrame
. See the plot example for an usage example.Content is specified using
, analogously to how it's done inimage()
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def frame(name, state, width=None, height=None, content_gen=None, drag_tag=None, down_tag=None, hover_tag=None, show_grid=True): """The frame widget. `state` is an instance of `Frame`. See the [plot example]( for an usage example. Content is specified using `content_gen`, analogously to how it's done in `concur.extra_widgets.image.image`. """ def content_gen_with_opt_events(tf, event_gen): if drag_tag or down_tag or hover_tag: kwargs = dict(tf=tf, event_gen=event_gen) else: kwargs = dict(tf=tf) return optional(content_gen is not None, content_gen, **kwargs) return map( lambda v: ((v[0], v[1][0]) if v[1][0] is not None else v[1][1]), pan_zoom( name, state, width, height, content_gen=partial(_frame, content_gen_with_opt_events, show_grid), drag_tag=drag_tag, down_tag=down_tag, hover_tag=hover_tag ) )
class Frame (top_left, bottom_right, keep_aspect=True, fix_axis=None)
Pan & zoom state.
Simple PanZoom re-export with specified margins.
Coordinates of the top left corner of the displayed content area.
- Coordinates of the bottom right corner of the displayed content area.
- Keep aspect ratio (x/y) equal to a given constant and zoom proportionally. if keep_aspect==True, it is equivalent to keep_aspect==1.
Do not zoom in a given axis (
, orNone
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class Frame(PanZoom): def __init__(self, top_left, bottom_right, keep_aspect=True, fix_axis=None): """ Simple PanZoom re-export with specified margins. Args: top_left: Coordinates of the top left corner of the displayed content area. bottom_right: Coordinates of the bottom right corner of the displayed content area. keep_aspect: Keep aspect ratio (x/y) equal to a given constant and zoom proportionally. if keep_aspect==True, it is equivalent to keep_aspect==1. fix_axis: Do not zoom in a given axis (`'x'`, `'y'`, or `None`). """ super().__init__(top_left, bottom_right, keep_aspect=keep_aspect, fix_axis=fix_axis, margins=margins)
Inherited members