Module concur.extra_widgets.image

Scrollable, zoomable image widget with overlay support.

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""" Scrollable, zoomable image widget with overlay support. """

import copy

import numpy as np
import imgui
from concur.widgets import child
from concur.draw import image as raw_image
from concur.extra_widgets.pan_zoom import PanZoom, pan_zoom
from concur.core import orr, optional

def image(name, state, width=None, height=None, content_gen=None, drag_tag=None, down_tag=None, hover_tag=None):
    """ The image widget.

    See the [image example](
    for a simple example usage, and the
    [image events example](
    for an example involving event handling.

    It is very common to use `concur.partial` to pass additional arguments to the `content_gen` function:
    def overlay(pos, tf):
        return*pos, 10, (0,0,0,1), tf=tf)

    _, im = yield from c.image("Image", im, content_gen=c.partial(overlay, pos))

        name: Widget name, serves as the identifier for state change events
        state: Instance of `concur.extra_widgets.image.Image`.
        width: Widget width in pixels. If not specified, the widget stretches to fill the parent widget.
        height: Widget height in pixels. If not specified, the widget stretches to fill the parent widget.
        content_gen: Function which generates a widget which is displayed as an overlay. This function
            should accept one or two keyword arguments:

            * **event_gen** (optional): Widget generator which yields events specified by the `drag_tag`,
              `down_tag`, and `hover_tag` arguments. The `event_gen` argument is only used if any of those
              tags is not `None`. For example usage, see the
              [image_events example](
            * **tf**: Instance of `concur.extra_widgets.pan_zoom.TF`. It can be used to transform between
              screen-space and image-space coordinates. The geometrical objects in `concur.draw` take `tf`
              as an optional argument. Widgets which don't accept the `tf` argument, such as buttons, can be
              wrapped inside the `concur.widgets.transform` widget.

            Any events fired by the widget generated by `content_gen` are passed through unchanged.
        drag_tag: Mouse drag event tag. The event is `tag, (dx, dy)`, where `dx, dy` are the image-space
            coordinate differences from the last frame.
        down_tag: Mouse down event tag. The event is `tag, (x, y)`, where `x, y` is the image-space
            mouse position. The `down_tag` fires once at the start of every mouse drag sequence.
        hover_tag: Mouse hover event tag. The event is `tag, (x, y)`, where `x, y` is the image-space
            mouse position.

        An image widget, which yields its state update events triggered by pan & zoom, and any events created inside the overlay specified by `content_gen`.
    def content_gen_with_image(tf, event_gen=None):
        if drag_tag or down_tag or hover_tag:
            kwargs = dict(tf=tf, event_gen=event_gen)
            kwargs = dict(tf=tf)
        return orr([
            raw_image(state.tex_id, 0, 0, state.tex_w, state.tex_h, uv_b=state.tex_uv_b, tf=tf),
            optional(content_gen is not None, content_gen, **kwargs),

    _, (st, child_event) = yield from pan_zoom(
        name, state.pan_zoom, width, height,
        drag_tag=drag_tag, down_tag=down_tag, hover_tag=hover_tag)
    if st is not None:
        new_state = copy.deepcopy(state)
        new_state.pan_zoom = st
        return name, new_state
        return child_event

class Image(object):
    """ Image state containing pan and zoom information, and texture data. """
    def __init__(self, image=None):
        """ `image ` must be something convertible to `numpy.array`: greyscale, RGB, or RGBA.
        Channel is in the last dimension.
        # TODO: remove this hack with last_{w,h}; create a more principled way of changing content size
        self.last_w, self.last_h = None, None
        self.tex_id = None
        self.garbage_tex_id = None
        self.pan_zoom = PanZoom((0, 0), (1, 1))
        self.tex_uv_b = 1, 1

    def change_image(self, image):
        """ Change the image for a different one. `image ` must be None, or something convertible to
        `numpy.array` in greyscale, RGB, or RGBA format. Channel is in the last dimension.
        If None, a black placeholder image is displayed.

        `change_image` must be called at most once per each frame for one Image.
        For performance, it is beneficial to use NumPy textures:

        * with dimensions divisible by four,
        * with type `numpy.uint8`,
        * with three or four channels (RGB, RGBA),
        * in C order.

        Otherwise, the array will be copied & converted.
        from concur.integrations.opengl import texture, rm_texture
        if self.garbage_tex_id is not None:
            self.garbage_tex_id = None
        self.garbage_tex_id = self.tex_id  # Hold onto the old texture ID for (at least) one frame
        if image is None:
            self.tex_id = texture(np.zeros((1, 1, 3)))
            self.tex_w, self.tex_h = 1, 1
            if not isinstance(image, np.ndarray):
                image = np.array(image)  # support PyTorch tensors and PIL images

            assert len(image.shape) in [2, 3]
            w, h = image.shape[1], image.shape[0]
            if w % 4 or h % 4:
                # Expand weirdly shaped images
                nw, nh = w + (-w) % 4, h + (-h) % 4
                new_image = np.ones((nh, nw, image.shape[2]) if len(image.shape) == 3 else (nh, nw)) * 255
                new_image[:h, :w] = image
                self.tex_id = texture(new_image)
                self.tex_uv_b = w / nw, h / nh
                self.tex_id = texture(image)
                self.tex_uv_b = 1, 1

            self.tex_w, self.tex_h = w, h

            if self.last_w != self.tex_w or self.last_h != self.tex_h:
                self.last_w, self.last_h = self.tex_w, self.tex_h
                self.pan_zoom.reset_view((0,0), (self.tex_w, self.tex_h))

    def reset_view(self):
        """ Reset view so that the whole image fits into the widget. """
        return self.pan_zoom.reset_view()


def image(name, state, width=None, height=None, content_gen=None, drag_tag=None, down_tag=None, hover_tag=None)

The image widget.

See the image example for a simple example usage, and the image events example for an example involving event handling.

It is very common to use partial() to pass additional arguments to the content_gen function:

def overlay(pos, tf):
    return*pos, 10, (0,0,0,1), tf=tf)

_, im = yield from c.image("Image", im, content_gen=c.partial(overlay, pos))


Widget name, serves as the identifier for state change events
Instance of Image.
Widget width in pixels. If not specified, the widget stretches to fill the parent widget.
Widget height in pixels. If not specified, the widget stretches to fill the parent widget.

Function which generates a widget which is displayed as an overlay. This function should accept one or two keyword arguments:

  • event_gen (optional): Widget generator which yields events specified by the drag_tag, down_tag, and hover_tag arguments. The event_gen argument is only used if any of those tags is not None. For example usage, see the image_events example.
  • tf: Instance of TF. It can be used to transform between screen-space and image-space coordinates. The geometrical objects in concur.draw take tf as an optional argument. Widgets which don't accept the tf argument, such as buttons, can be wrapped inside the transform() widget.

Any events fired by the widget generated by content_gen are passed through unchanged.

Mouse drag event tag. The event is tag, (dx, dy), where dx, dy are the image-space coordinate differences from the last frame.
Mouse down event tag. The event is tag, (x, y), where x, y is the image-space mouse position. The down_tag fires once at the start of every mouse drag sequence.
Mouse hover event tag. The event is tag, (x, y), where x, y is the image-space mouse position.


An image widget, which yields its state update events triggered by pan & zoom, and any events created inside the overlay specified by content_gen.

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def image(name, state, width=None, height=None, content_gen=None, drag_tag=None, down_tag=None, hover_tag=None):
    """ The image widget.

    See the [image example](
    for a simple example usage, and the
    [image events example](
    for an example involving event handling.

    It is very common to use `concur.partial` to pass additional arguments to the `content_gen` function:
    def overlay(pos, tf):
        return*pos, 10, (0,0,0,1), tf=tf)

    _, im = yield from c.image("Image", im, content_gen=c.partial(overlay, pos))

        name: Widget name, serves as the identifier for state change events
        state: Instance of `concur.extra_widgets.image.Image`.
        width: Widget width in pixels. If not specified, the widget stretches to fill the parent widget.
        height: Widget height in pixels. If not specified, the widget stretches to fill the parent widget.
        content_gen: Function which generates a widget which is displayed as an overlay. This function
            should accept one or two keyword arguments:

            * **event_gen** (optional): Widget generator which yields events specified by the `drag_tag`,
              `down_tag`, and `hover_tag` arguments. The `event_gen` argument is only used if any of those
              tags is not `None`. For example usage, see the
              [image_events example](
            * **tf**: Instance of `concur.extra_widgets.pan_zoom.TF`. It can be used to transform between
              screen-space and image-space coordinates. The geometrical objects in `concur.draw` take `tf`
              as an optional argument. Widgets which don't accept the `tf` argument, such as buttons, can be
              wrapped inside the `concur.widgets.transform` widget.

            Any events fired by the widget generated by `content_gen` are passed through unchanged.
        drag_tag: Mouse drag event tag. The event is `tag, (dx, dy)`, where `dx, dy` are the image-space
            coordinate differences from the last frame.
        down_tag: Mouse down event tag. The event is `tag, (x, y)`, where `x, y` is the image-space
            mouse position. The `down_tag` fires once at the start of every mouse drag sequence.
        hover_tag: Mouse hover event tag. The event is `tag, (x, y)`, where `x, y` is the image-space
            mouse position.

        An image widget, which yields its state update events triggered by pan & zoom, and any events created inside the overlay specified by `content_gen`.
    def content_gen_with_image(tf, event_gen=None):
        if drag_tag or down_tag or hover_tag:
            kwargs = dict(tf=tf, event_gen=event_gen)
            kwargs = dict(tf=tf)
        return orr([
            raw_image(state.tex_id, 0, 0, state.tex_w, state.tex_h, uv_b=state.tex_uv_b, tf=tf),
            optional(content_gen is not None, content_gen, **kwargs),

    _, (st, child_event) = yield from pan_zoom(
        name, state.pan_zoom, width, height,
        drag_tag=drag_tag, down_tag=down_tag, hover_tag=hover_tag)
    if st is not None:
        new_state = copy.deepcopy(state)
        new_state.pan_zoom = st
        return name, new_state
        return child_event


class Image (image=None)

Image state containing pan and zoom information, and texture data.

image() must be something convertible to numpy.array: greyscale, RGB, or RGBA. Channel is in the last dimension.

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class Image(object):
    """ Image state containing pan and zoom information, and texture data. """
    def __init__(self, image=None):
        """ `image ` must be something convertible to `numpy.array`: greyscale, RGB, or RGBA.
        Channel is in the last dimension.
        # TODO: remove this hack with last_{w,h}; create a more principled way of changing content size
        self.last_w, self.last_h = None, None
        self.tex_id = None
        self.garbage_tex_id = None
        self.pan_zoom = PanZoom((0, 0), (1, 1))
        self.tex_uv_b = 1, 1

    def change_image(self, image):
        """ Change the image for a different one. `image ` must be None, or something convertible to
        `numpy.array` in greyscale, RGB, or RGBA format. Channel is in the last dimension.
        If None, a black placeholder image is displayed.

        `change_image` must be called at most once per each frame for one Image.
        For performance, it is beneficial to use NumPy textures:

        * with dimensions divisible by four,
        * with type `numpy.uint8`,
        * with three or four channels (RGB, RGBA),
        * in C order.

        Otherwise, the array will be copied & converted.
        from concur.integrations.opengl import texture, rm_texture
        if self.garbage_tex_id is not None:
            self.garbage_tex_id = None
        self.garbage_tex_id = self.tex_id  # Hold onto the old texture ID for (at least) one frame
        if image is None:
            self.tex_id = texture(np.zeros((1, 1, 3)))
            self.tex_w, self.tex_h = 1, 1
            if not isinstance(image, np.ndarray):
                image = np.array(image)  # support PyTorch tensors and PIL images

            assert len(image.shape) in [2, 3]
            w, h = image.shape[1], image.shape[0]
            if w % 4 or h % 4:
                # Expand weirdly shaped images
                nw, nh = w + (-w) % 4, h + (-h) % 4
                new_image = np.ones((nh, nw, image.shape[2]) if len(image.shape) == 3 else (nh, nw)) * 255
                new_image[:h, :w] = image
                self.tex_id = texture(new_image)
                self.tex_uv_b = w / nw, h / nh
                self.tex_id = texture(image)
                self.tex_uv_b = 1, 1

            self.tex_w, self.tex_h = w, h

            if self.last_w != self.tex_w or self.last_h != self.tex_h:
                self.last_w, self.last_h = self.tex_w, self.tex_h
                self.pan_zoom.reset_view((0,0), (self.tex_w, self.tex_h))

    def reset_view(self):
        """ Reset view so that the whole image fits into the widget. """
        return self.pan_zoom.reset_view()


def change_image(self, image)

Change the image for a different one. image() must be None, or something convertible to numpy.array in greyscale, RGB, or RGBA format. Channel is in the last dimension. If None, a black placeholder image is displayed.

change_image must be called at most once per each frame for one Image. For performance, it is beneficial to use NumPy textures:

  • with dimensions divisible by four,
  • with type numpy.uint8,
  • with three or four channels (RGB, RGBA),
  • in C order.

Otherwise, the array will be copied & converted.

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def change_image(self, image):
    """ Change the image for a different one. `image ` must be None, or something convertible to
    `numpy.array` in greyscale, RGB, or RGBA format. Channel is in the last dimension.
    If None, a black placeholder image is displayed.

    `change_image` must be called at most once per each frame for one Image.
    For performance, it is beneficial to use NumPy textures:

    * with dimensions divisible by four,
    * with type `numpy.uint8`,
    * with three or four channels (RGB, RGBA),
    * in C order.

    Otherwise, the array will be copied & converted.
    from concur.integrations.opengl import texture, rm_texture
    if self.garbage_tex_id is not None:
        self.garbage_tex_id = None
    self.garbage_tex_id = self.tex_id  # Hold onto the old texture ID for (at least) one frame
    if image is None:
        self.tex_id = texture(np.zeros((1, 1, 3)))
        self.tex_w, self.tex_h = 1, 1
        if not isinstance(image, np.ndarray):
            image = np.array(image)  # support PyTorch tensors and PIL images

        assert len(image.shape) in [2, 3]
        w, h = image.shape[1], image.shape[0]
        if w % 4 or h % 4:
            # Expand weirdly shaped images
            nw, nh = w + (-w) % 4, h + (-h) % 4
            new_image = np.ones((nh, nw, image.shape[2]) if len(image.shape) == 3 else (nh, nw)) * 255
            new_image[:h, :w] = image
            self.tex_id = texture(new_image)
            self.tex_uv_b = w / nw, h / nh
            self.tex_id = texture(image)
            self.tex_uv_b = 1, 1

        self.tex_w, self.tex_h = w, h

        if self.last_w != self.tex_w or self.last_h != self.tex_h:
            self.last_w, self.last_h = self.tex_w, self.tex_h
            self.pan_zoom.reset_view((0,0), (self.tex_w, self.tex_h))
def reset_view(self)

Reset view so that the whole image fits into the widget.

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def reset_view(self):
    """ Reset view so that the whole image fits into the widget. """
    return self.pan_zoom.reset_view()