Module concur.widgets

A collection of widgets based off of ImGui.

By convention, most widgets take a string identifier as the first parameter, and return the (identifier, value) pair. This is done for convenience, as Python syntax for mapping values is a bit busy. If you want to return a different identifier to what is displayed on screen, use the tag keyword argument which is available for all widgets where it makes sense.

Most widgets are just thin wrappers over widgets in PyImGui. If any widget from ImGui is not listed here, it is mostly trivial to add it. New widgets can be created by writing generators by hand, or by using helper functions interactive_elem() or lift().

Some widgets (transform(), key_press(), etc.) don't do any drawing and serve purely for control flow, or user interaction.

All of the functions in this module are re-exported in the root module for convenience.

Expand source code
""" A collection of widgets based off of ImGui.

By convention, most widgets take a string identifier as the first parameter, and return the `(identifier, value)` pair.
This is done for convenience, as Python syntax for mapping values is a bit busy. If you want to return a different
identifier to what is displayed on screen, use the `tag` keyword argument which is available for all widgets where
it makes sense.

Most widgets are just thin wrappers over [widgets in PyImGui](
If any widget from ImGui is not listed here, it is mostly trivial to add it. New widgets can be created by writing
generators by hand, or by using helper functions `concur.core.interactive_elem` or `concur.core.lift`.

Some widgets (`transform`, `key_press`, etc.) don't do any drawing and serve purely for control flow, or user interaction.

All of the functions in this module are re-exported in the root module for convenience.

__pdoc__ = dict(same_line=False)

import pickle  # for drag and drop payload
from typing import Tuple

import imgui
import numpy as np  # for `transform`

from concur.colors import color_to_rgba_tuple
from concur.core import nothing, orr, lift, Widget, interactive_elem

def orr_same_line(widgets):
    """ Use instead of `concur.core.orr` to layout child widgets horizontally instead of vertically. """

    def intersperse(delimiter, seq):
        """ """
        from itertools import chain, repeat
        return list(chain.from_iterable(zip(repeat(delimiter), seq)))[1:]

    def group(widget):
        return orr([lift(imgui.begin_group), widget, lift(imgui.end_group)])

    return orr(intersperse(same_line(), [group(w) for w in widgets]))

def window(title: str,
           widget: Widget,
           position: Tuple[int, int] = None,
           size: Tuple[int, int] = None,
           flags: int = 0) -> Widget:
    """ Create a window with a given `widget` inside.

    Contents are drawn only if the window is opened.

    * **Window title must be unique.** Contents of windows with an identical title will appear
      inside a single window.
    * **Windows must not be nested.** Nested windows may lead to visibility feedback loops,
      which manifests as flicker on some docking operations.
    while True:
        if position is not None:
        if size is not None:
            imgui.set_next_window_size(400, 300, imgui.FIRST_USE_EVER)
        expanded, opened = imgui.begin(title, flags=flags)
            if expanded and opened:
        except StopIteration as e:
            return e.value

def child(name, widget, width, height, border=False, flags=0):
    r""" Create a sized box with a `widget` inside.

    If the contents overflow, scrollbars will be created by default.
    Sizing of the child widget allows for three modes, depending on the sign of parameters `width` and `height`:

    * ==0 - use the remaining window size
    * \>0 - fixed size in pixels
    * <0 - use remaining window size minus abs(size) in pixels

        name: Child name. This has no effect, and will be removed in the future.
        widget: Widget to display inside the box.
        width: Box width.
        height: Box height.
        border: Toggle border visibility.
        flags: Advanced customization flags. See the
            [list of available flags](
    while True:
        imgui.begin_child(name, width, height, border, flags)
        except StopIteration as e:
            return e.value

def collapsing_header(text, widget, open=True):
    """Display a collapsible section header. It can be open or closed by default (parameter `open`).
    while True:
        expanded, visible = imgui.collapsing_header(text, flags=open and imgui.TREE_NODE_DEFAULT_OPEN)
            if expanded:
        except StopIteration as e:
            return e.value

def tree_node(text, widget, open=True):
    """Display a collapsible tree node. It can be open or closed by default (parameter `open`).

    Tree node content has left offset, unlike `collapsing_header`.
    while True:
        expanded = imgui.tree_node(text, flags=open and imgui.TREE_NODE_DEFAULT_OPEN)
            if expanded:
        except StopIteration as e:
            return e.value
            if expanded:

def button(label, tag=None):
    """ Button. Returns `(label, None)` on click, or `(tag, None)` if tag is specified. """
    while not imgui.button(label):
    return tag if tag is not None else label, None

def image_button(name, texture_id, width, height, uv0=(0, 0), uv1=(1, 1), tint_color='white', border_color='black', frame_padding=-1):
    """ Image button. Returns `(name, None)` on click.

        texture_id: OpenGL texture ID
        size: image display size two-tuple
        uv0: UV coordinates for 1st corner (lower-left for OpenGL)
        uv1: UV coordinates for 2nd corner (upper-right for OpenGL)
        tint_color: Image tint color
        border_color: Image border color
        frame_padding: Frame padding (0: no padding, <0 default padding)
    while not imgui.image_button(texture_id, width, height, uv0=uv0, uv1=uv1, tint_color=color_to_rgba_tuple(tint_color), border_color=color_to_rgba_tuple(border_color), frame_padding=frame_padding):
    return name, None

def invisible_button(label, width, height, tag=None):
    """ Invisible button with a given width and height.

    Can be interacted with as a normal button, including clicking and dragging.

    Returns `(label, None)` on click, or `(tag, None)` if tag is specified.
    while not imgui.invisible_button(label, width, height):
    return tag if tag is not None else label, None

def color_button(label, color, tag=None):
    """ Colored button. Color can be specified in multiple ways listed in

    Returns `(label, None)` on click, or `(tag, None)` if tag is specified.
    r, g, b, a = color_to_rgba_tuple(color)
    while not imgui.color_button(label, r, g, b, a):
    return tag if tag is not None else label, None

def radio_button(label, active, tag=None):
    """ Radio button. Returns `(label, None)` on click, or `(tag, None)` if tag is specified. """
    while not imgui.radio_button(label, active):
    return (tag if tag is not None else label), None

def dummy(width, height):
    """ Add a dummy element of a given `width` and `height`.

    Useful for custom-sized vertical and horizontal spacings.
    return lift(imgui.dummy, width, height)

def input_text(name, value, buffer_length=255, tag=None, flags=0):
    """ Text input.

    Flags are [defined by PyImGui](
    `buffer_length` doesn't affect widget size on screen, it limits the maximum character count only.
    while True:
        changed, new_value = imgui.input_text(name, value, buffer_length, flags)
        if changed:
            return (name if tag is None else tag), new_value

def input_text_multiline(name, value, buffer_length=4000, width=0, height=0, flags=0, tag=None):
    """ Multiline text input.

    Flags are [defined by PyImGui](
    while True:
        changed, new_value = imgui.input_text_multiline(name, value, buffer_length, width, height, flags)
        if changed:
            return (name if tag is None else tag), new_value

def key_press(name, key_index, ctrl=False, shift=False, alt=False, super=False, repeat=True):
    """ Invisible widget that waits for a given key to be pressed.

    No widget must be active at the time to prevent triggering hotkeys by editing text fields.
    Key codes are specified by glfw, e.g. `glfw.KEY_A`, or `glfw.KEY_SPACE`.
    Upper-case ASCII codes also work, such as ord('A').
    io = imgui.get_io()
    while True:
        if imgui.is_key_pressed(key_index, repeat):
            if not imgui.is_any_item_active() and \
                    ctrl == io.key_ctrl and \
                    shift == io.key_shift and \
                    alt == io.key_alt and \
                    super == io.key_super:
                return name, None


def mouse_click(name, button=0):
    """ Invisible widget that waits for a given mouse button to be clicked (default: LMB).

    This function is triggered only when no widgets are interacted with using mouse.
    Event is returned in the format `(name, (x, y))`, where `(x, y)` are the coordinates
    of the clicked position.
    io = imgui.get_io()
    while True:
        if not imgui.is_any_item_active() and imgui.is_mouse_clicked(button):
            return name, io.mouse_pos

def text_tooltip(text, widget):
    """Display a text tooltip on hover"""
    while True:
        except StopIteration as e:
            return e.value
        if imgui.is_item_hovered():

def tooltip(tooltip_widget, widget):
    """ Display a widget tooltip on hover. May contain arbitrary elements, such as images. """
    while True:
        except StopIteration as e:
            return e.value

        if imgui.is_item_hovered():
            except StopIteration as e:
                return e.value

def main_menu_bar(widget):
    """ Create a main menu bar.

    This requires setting `menu_bar=True` in the `concur.integrations.glfw.main` method.
    Otherwise, space wouldn't be reserved for the menu bar, and it would lay on top of
    window contents.

    Main menu bar must be created outside any windows.

    See [examples/extra/](
    for an usage example.
    while True:
        assert imgui.begin_main_menu_bar(), "Main menu bar must be created outside a window."
        except StopIteration as e:
            return e.value

def menu(label, widget, enabled=True):
    """ Create an expandable menu in the `main_menu_bar`.

    Widgets commonly used in menus are `menu_item`, and `separator`.
    while True:
        expanded = imgui.begin_menu(label, enabled)
            if expanded:
        except StopIteration as e:
            return e.value
            if expanded:

def menu_item(label, shortcut=None, selected=False, enabled=True, *args, **kwargs):
    """ Create a menu item.

    Menu items should be nested inside `menu`.

    Item shortcuts are displayed for convenience, but are not processed in any way.
    They are easily handled by `key_press` outside the menu code If `key_press` was
    inside the menu, it would not be active when the menu is not expanded.
    Items may have a check-box (`selected`), and may or may not be `enabled`.
    return interactive_elem(imgui.menu_item, label, shortcut, selected, enabled, *args, **kwargs)

def separator():
    """ Horizontal separator. """
    return lift(imgui.separator)

def spacing():
    """ Extra vertical space. """
    return lift(imgui.spacing)

def same_line():
    """ Call between widgets to layout them horizontally.

    This is Consider using `concur.widgets.orr_same_line` instead as it is more robust.
    return lift(imgui.same_line)

def font(font_, widget):
    """ Render `widget` with a given font.

    The easiest way to create `font_` is probably to call this before the call to

    font = imgui.get_io().fonts.add_font_from_file_ttf("font_file.ttf", 16)

    See the [font guide in PyImGui](
    for more details.
    while True:
        except StopIteration as e:
            return e.value

def text(s):
    """ Passive text display widget. """
    return lift(imgui.text, s)

def text_wrapped(s):
    """ Word wrapping text display widget. Recommended for long chunks of text. """

    def f():

    return lift(f)

def text_colored(s, color):
    """ Passive colored text display widget. """
    r, g, b, a = color_to_rgba_tuple(color)
    return lift(imgui.text_colored, s, r, g, b, a)

def selectable(label, selected, *args, **kwargs):
    """ Selectable line.

    This widget marks the whole line as selectable. To add widgets to `selectable`,
    simply append them using `orr_same_line`:

        c.selectable("Selectable", False),
        c.text("Extra text"),
    return interactive_elem(imgui.selectable, label, selected, *args, **kwargs)

def checkbox(label, checked, *args, **kwargs):
    """ Two-state checkbox. """
    return interactive_elem(imgui.checkbox, label, checked, *args, **kwargs)

def drag_float(label, value, *args, **kwargs):
    """ Float selection widget without a slider. """
    return interactive_elem(imgui.drag_float, label, value, *args, **kwargs)

def drag_float2(label, values, *args, **kwargs):
    """ Float selection widget without a slider for selecting two `values`. """
    value0, value1 = values
    return interactive_elem(imgui.drag_float2, label, value0, value1, *args, **kwargs)

def drag_float3(label, values, *args, **kwargs):
    """ Float selection widget without a slider for selecting three `values`. """
    value0, value1, value2 = values
    return interactive_elem(imgui.drag_float3, label, value0, value1, value2, *args, **kwargs)

def drag_float4(label, values, *args, **kwargs):
    """ Float selection widget without a slider for selecting four `values`. """
    value0, value1, value2, value3 = values
    return interactive_elem(imgui.drag_float4, label, value0, value1, value2, value3, *args, **kwargs)

def drag_int(label, value, *args, **kwargs):
    """ Integer selection widget without a slider. """
    return interactive_elem(imgui.drag_int, label, value, *args, **kwargs)

def drag_int2(label, values, *args, **kwargs):
    """ Integer selection widget without a slider for selecting two `values`. """
    value0, value1 = values
    return interactive_elem(imgui.drag_int2, label, value0, value1, *args, **kwargs)

def drag_int3(label, values, *args, **kwargs):
    """ Integer selection widget without a slider for selecting three `values`. """
    value0, value1, value2 = values
    return interactive_elem(imgui.drag_int3, label, value0, value1, value2, *args, **kwargs)

def drag_int4(label, values, *args, **kwargs):
    """ Integer selection widget without a slider for selecting four `values`. """
    value0, value1, value2, value3 = values
    return interactive_elem(imgui.drag_int4, label, value0, value1, value2, value3, *args, **kwargs)

def input_float(label, value, *args, **kwargs):
    """ Float input widget. """
    return interactive_elem(imgui.input_float, label, value, *args, **kwargs)

def slider_int(label, value, min_value, max_value, *args, **kwargs):
    """ Int selection slider. """
    return interactive_elem(imgui.slider_int, label, value, min_value, max_value, *args, **kwargs)

def slider_float(label, value, min_value, max_value, *args, **kwargs):
    """ Float selection slider. """
    return interactive_elem(imgui.slider_float, label, value, min_value, max_value, *args, **kwargs)

def test_window():
    """ ImGui test window with a multitude of widgets. """
    return lift(imgui.show_test_window)

def drag_drop_source(tag, payload, widget, dragged_widget=None, flags=0):
    """ Drag-and-Drop Source Widget.

    This widget is used in conjunction with `concur.widgets.drag_drop_target`.

    See the [](examples/extra/
    for an example.

        tag: Drag-and-Drop event tag. Must match the tag in `drag_drop_target`.
        payload: Pickle-able value which is to be returned in the drag-and-drop event.
        widget: Widget which can be dragged.
        dragged_widget: Widget inside the tooltip which is displayed while dragging.
            Defaults to a `widget` copy.
        flags: Flags to modify dragging behavior.
            See [the pyimgui docs](
            for the flag list.
    while True:
        except StopIteration as e:
            return e.value
        assert not (flags & imgui.DRAG_DROP_SOURCE_ALLOW_NULL_ID), "`SourceAllowNullID` is automatically set - do not set it manually."
        if imgui.begin_drag_drop_source(flags | imgui.DRAG_DROP_SOURCE_ALLOW_NULL_ID):
            imgui.set_drag_drop_payload(tag, pickle.dumps(payload))
                next(dragged_widget if dragged_widget else widget)
            except StopIteration as e:
                assert ValueError("Drag and drop indicator widget (`dragged_widget`) fired an event. You can use `concur.forever` to supress widget events. If you have a legitimate use-case for this, please file an issue.")

def drag_drop_target(tag, value, widget):
    """ Drag-and-Drop Target Widget.

    This widget is used in conjunction with `concur.widgets.drag_drop_source`. On widget drop,
    an event is generated which contains the payload from source, and the value from targed,
    and is shaped like this: `(tag, (source_payload, value))`.

        tag: Drag-and-Drop event tag. Must match the tag in `drag_drop_source`.
        value: Value added to the event.
        widget: Widget which accepts the drag-and-drop event.
    while True:
        except StopIteration as e:
            return e.value
        if imgui.begin_drag_drop_target():
            payload = imgui.accept_drag_drop_payload(tag)
            if payload is not None:
                return tag, (pickle.loads(payload), value)

def columns(elems, identifier=None, vert_borders=True, hor_borders=True, widths=None):
    Table, using the imgui columns API.
        elems (List[List[Widget]]): 2D array of widgets. A list containing another list for each row. len() of the first row defines the amount of columns, that will be rendered.
        > Do note, that despite the first row defines the amount of rendered columns, all rows still must have the the same len(). <
        identifier (str): Name of the widget.
        vert_borders (bool): Toggle vertical borders on/off.
        hor_borders (bool): Toggle horizontal borders on/off.
        widths (List[Union[int,float]]): is an optional vector of column widths in pixels. May contain None values.

        `concur.core.orr` wrapping the column widget including all its rows.

    n_columns = len(elems[0])

    if widths is None:
        widths = []

    if hor_borders:
        sep = [separator(), *[nothing() for _ in range(n_columns - 1)]]
        n, i = 1, 1
        while i < len(elems):
            elems.insert(i, sep)
            i += (n + 1)

    accum = [lift(imgui.columns, n_columns, identifier, vert_borders)]
    for i, w in enumerate(widths):
        if w is not None:
            accum.append(lift(imgui.set_column_width, i, w))
    for row in elems:
        assert len(row) == n_columns
        for widget in row:
    accum.append(lift(imgui.columns, 1))
    return orr(accum)

def transform(x, y, widget, tf=None):
    # TODO: move somewhere else
    """ Use `concur.extra_widgets.pan_zoom.TF` and a specified position `x, y` to transform a widget.

    Only widget position will be affected (not scaling), and it will be positioned so that its upper left corner
    is at `[x, y]`.
    old_pos = imgui.get_cursor_screen_pos()
    if tf is not None:
        x, y = np.matmul(tf.c2s, [x, y, 1])
    while True:
            imgui.set_cursor_screen_pos((x, y))
        except StopIteration as e:
            return e.value


def button(label, tag=None)

Button. Returns (label, None) on click, or (tag, None) if tag is specified.

Expand source code
def button(label, tag=None):
    """ Button. Returns `(label, None)` on click, or `(tag, None)` if tag is specified. """
    while not imgui.button(label):
    return tag if tag is not None else label, None
def checkbox(label, checked, *args, **kwargs)

Two-state checkbox.

Expand source code
def checkbox(label, checked, *args, **kwargs):
    """ Two-state checkbox. """
    return interactive_elem(imgui.checkbox, label, checked, *args, **kwargs)
def child(name, widget, width, height, border=False, flags=0)

Create a sized box with a widget inside.

If the contents overflow, scrollbars will be created by default. Sizing of the child widget allows for three modes, depending on the sign of parameters width and height:

  • ==0 - use the remaining window size
  • >0 - fixed size in pixels
  • <0 - use remaining window size minus abs(size) in pixels


Child name. This has no effect, and will be removed in the future.
Widget to display inside the box.
Box width.
Box height.
Toggle border visibility.
Advanced customization flags. See the list of available flags.
Expand source code
def child(name, widget, width, height, border=False, flags=0):
    r""" Create a sized box with a `widget` inside.

    If the contents overflow, scrollbars will be created by default.
    Sizing of the child widget allows for three modes, depending on the sign of parameters `width` and `height`:

    * ==0 - use the remaining window size
    * \>0 - fixed size in pixels
    * <0 - use remaining window size minus abs(size) in pixels

        name: Child name. This has no effect, and will be removed in the future.
        widget: Widget to display inside the box.
        width: Box width.
        height: Box height.
        border: Toggle border visibility.
        flags: Advanced customization flags. See the
            [list of available flags](
    while True:
        imgui.begin_child(name, width, height, border, flags)
        except StopIteration as e:
            return e.value
def collapsing_header(text, widget, open=True)

Display a collapsible section header. It can be open or closed by default (parameter open).

Expand source code
def collapsing_header(text, widget, open=True):
    """Display a collapsible section header. It can be open or closed by default (parameter `open`).
    while True:
        expanded, visible = imgui.collapsing_header(text, flags=open and imgui.TREE_NODE_DEFAULT_OPEN)
            if expanded:
        except StopIteration as e:
            return e.value
def color_button(label, color, tag=None)

Colored button. Color can be specified in multiple ways listed in [concur.draw].

Returns (label, None) on click, or (tag, None) if tag is specified.

Expand source code
def color_button(label, color, tag=None):
    """ Colored button. Color can be specified in multiple ways listed in

    Returns `(label, None)` on click, or `(tag, None)` if tag is specified.
    r, g, b, a = color_to_rgba_tuple(color)
    while not imgui.color_button(label, r, g, b, a):
    return tag if tag is not None else label, None
def columns(elems, identifier=None, vert_borders=True, hor_borders=True, widths=None)

Table, using the imgui columns API.


elems : List[List[Widget]]
2D array of widgets. A list containing another list for each row. len() of the first row defines the amount of columns, that will be rendered.
> Do note, that despite the first row defines the amount of rendered columns, all rows still must have the the same len(). <
identifier : str
Name of the widget.
vert_borders : bool
Toggle vertical borders on/off.
hor_borders : bool
Toggle horizontal borders on/off.
widths : List[Union[int,float]]
is an optional vector of column widths in pixels. May contain None values.


orr() wrapping the column widget including all its rows.

Expand source code
def columns(elems, identifier=None, vert_borders=True, hor_borders=True, widths=None):
    Table, using the imgui columns API.
        elems (List[List[Widget]]): 2D array of widgets. A list containing another list for each row. len() of the first row defines the amount of columns, that will be rendered.
        > Do note, that despite the first row defines the amount of rendered columns, all rows still must have the the same len(). <
        identifier (str): Name of the widget.
        vert_borders (bool): Toggle vertical borders on/off.
        hor_borders (bool): Toggle horizontal borders on/off.
        widths (List[Union[int,float]]): is an optional vector of column widths in pixels. May contain None values.

        `concur.core.orr` wrapping the column widget including all its rows.

    n_columns = len(elems[0])

    if widths is None:
        widths = []

    if hor_borders:
        sep = [separator(), *[nothing() for _ in range(n_columns - 1)]]
        n, i = 1, 1
        while i < len(elems):
            elems.insert(i, sep)
            i += (n + 1)

    accum = [lift(imgui.columns, n_columns, identifier, vert_borders)]
    for i, w in enumerate(widths):
        if w is not None:
            accum.append(lift(imgui.set_column_width, i, w))
    for row in elems:
        assert len(row) == n_columns
        for widget in row:
    accum.append(lift(imgui.columns, 1))
    return orr(accum)
def drag_drop_source(tag, payload, widget, dragged_widget=None, flags=0)

Drag-and-Drop Source Widget.

This widget is used in conjunction with drag_drop_target().

See the for an example.


Drag-and-Drop event tag. Must match the tag in drag_drop_target().
Pickle-able value which is to be returned in the drag-and-drop event.
Widget which can be dragged.
Widget inside the tooltip which is displayed while dragging. Defaults to a widget copy.
Flags to modify dragging behavior. See the pyimgui docs for the flag list.
Expand source code
def drag_drop_source(tag, payload, widget, dragged_widget=None, flags=0):
    """ Drag-and-Drop Source Widget.

    This widget is used in conjunction with `concur.widgets.drag_drop_target`.

    See the [](examples/extra/
    for an example.

        tag: Drag-and-Drop event tag. Must match the tag in `drag_drop_target`.
        payload: Pickle-able value which is to be returned in the drag-and-drop event.
        widget: Widget which can be dragged.
        dragged_widget: Widget inside the tooltip which is displayed while dragging.
            Defaults to a `widget` copy.
        flags: Flags to modify dragging behavior.
            See [the pyimgui docs](
            for the flag list.
    while True:
        except StopIteration as e:
            return e.value
        assert not (flags & imgui.DRAG_DROP_SOURCE_ALLOW_NULL_ID), "`SourceAllowNullID` is automatically set - do not set it manually."
        if imgui.begin_drag_drop_source(flags | imgui.DRAG_DROP_SOURCE_ALLOW_NULL_ID):
            imgui.set_drag_drop_payload(tag, pickle.dumps(payload))
                next(dragged_widget if dragged_widget else widget)
            except StopIteration as e:
                assert ValueError("Drag and drop indicator widget (`dragged_widget`) fired an event. You can use `concur.forever` to supress widget events. If you have a legitimate use-case for this, please file an issue.")
def drag_drop_target(tag, value, widget)

Drag-and-Drop Target Widget.

This widget is used in conjunction with drag_drop_source(). On widget drop, an event is generated which contains the payload from source, and the value from targed, and is shaped like this: (tag, (source_payload, value)).


Drag-and-Drop event tag. Must match the tag in drag_drop_source().
Value added to the event.
Widget which accepts the drag-and-drop event.
Expand source code
def drag_drop_target(tag, value, widget):
    """ Drag-and-Drop Target Widget.

    This widget is used in conjunction with `concur.widgets.drag_drop_source`. On widget drop,
    an event is generated which contains the payload from source, and the value from targed,
    and is shaped like this: `(tag, (source_payload, value))`.

        tag: Drag-and-Drop event tag. Must match the tag in `drag_drop_source`.
        value: Value added to the event.
        widget: Widget which accepts the drag-and-drop event.
    while True:
        except StopIteration as e:
            return e.value
        if imgui.begin_drag_drop_target():
            payload = imgui.accept_drag_drop_payload(tag)
            if payload is not None:
                return tag, (pickle.loads(payload), value)
def drag_float(label, value, *args, **kwargs)

Float selection widget without a slider.

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def drag_float(label, value, *args, **kwargs):
    """ Float selection widget without a slider. """
    return interactive_elem(imgui.drag_float, label, value, *args, **kwargs)
def drag_float2(label, values, *args, **kwargs)

Float selection widget without a slider for selecting two values.

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def drag_float2(label, values, *args, **kwargs):
    """ Float selection widget without a slider for selecting two `values`. """
    value0, value1 = values
    return interactive_elem(imgui.drag_float2, label, value0, value1, *args, **kwargs)
def drag_float3(label, values, *args, **kwargs)

Float selection widget without a slider for selecting three values.

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def drag_float3(label, values, *args, **kwargs):
    """ Float selection widget without a slider for selecting three `values`. """
    value0, value1, value2 = values
    return interactive_elem(imgui.drag_float3, label, value0, value1, value2, *args, **kwargs)
def drag_float4(label, values, *args, **kwargs)

Float selection widget without a slider for selecting four values.

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def drag_float4(label, values, *args, **kwargs):
    """ Float selection widget without a slider for selecting four `values`. """
    value0, value1, value2, value3 = values
    return interactive_elem(imgui.drag_float4, label, value0, value1, value2, value3, *args, **kwargs)
def drag_int(label, value, *args, **kwargs)

Integer selection widget without a slider.

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def drag_int(label, value, *args, **kwargs):
    """ Integer selection widget without a slider. """
    return interactive_elem(imgui.drag_int, label, value, *args, **kwargs)
def drag_int2(label, values, *args, **kwargs)

Integer selection widget without a slider for selecting two values.

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def drag_int2(label, values, *args, **kwargs):
    """ Integer selection widget without a slider for selecting two `values`. """
    value0, value1 = values
    return interactive_elem(imgui.drag_int2, label, value0, value1, *args, **kwargs)
def drag_int3(label, values, *args, **kwargs)

Integer selection widget without a slider for selecting three values.

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def drag_int3(label, values, *args, **kwargs):
    """ Integer selection widget without a slider for selecting three `values`. """
    value0, value1, value2 = values
    return interactive_elem(imgui.drag_int3, label, value0, value1, value2, *args, **kwargs)
def drag_int4(label, values, *args, **kwargs)

Integer selection widget without a slider for selecting four values.

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def drag_int4(label, values, *args, **kwargs):
    """ Integer selection widget without a slider for selecting four `values`. """
    value0, value1, value2, value3 = values
    return interactive_elem(imgui.drag_int4, label, value0, value1, value2, value3, *args, **kwargs)
def dummy(width, height)

Add a dummy element of a given width and height.

Useful for custom-sized vertical and horizontal spacings.

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def dummy(width, height):
    """ Add a dummy element of a given `width` and `height`.

    Useful for custom-sized vertical and horizontal spacings.
    return lift(imgui.dummy, width, height)
def font(font_, widget)

Render widget with a given font.

The easiest way to create font_ is probably to call this before the call to main():

font = imgui.get_io().fonts.add_font_from_file_ttf("font_file.ttf", 16)

See the font guide in PyImGui for more details.

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def font(font_, widget):
    """ Render `widget` with a given font.

    The easiest way to create `font_` is probably to call this before the call to

    font = imgui.get_io().fonts.add_font_from_file_ttf("font_file.ttf", 16)

    See the [font guide in PyImGui](
    for more details.
    while True:
        except StopIteration as e:
            return e.value
def image_button(name, texture_id, width, height, uv0=(0, 0), uv1=(1, 1), tint_color='white', border_color='black', frame_padding=-1)

Image button. Returns (name, None) on click.


OpenGL texture ID
image display size two-tuple
UV coordinates for 1st corner (lower-left for OpenGL)
UV coordinates for 2nd corner (upper-right for OpenGL)
Image tint color
Image border color
Frame padding (0: no padding, <0 default padding)
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def image_button(name, texture_id, width, height, uv0=(0, 0), uv1=(1, 1), tint_color='white', border_color='black', frame_padding=-1):
    """ Image button. Returns `(name, None)` on click.

        texture_id: OpenGL texture ID
        size: image display size two-tuple
        uv0: UV coordinates for 1st corner (lower-left for OpenGL)
        uv1: UV coordinates for 2nd corner (upper-right for OpenGL)
        tint_color: Image tint color
        border_color: Image border color
        frame_padding: Frame padding (0: no padding, <0 default padding)
    while not imgui.image_button(texture_id, width, height, uv0=uv0, uv1=uv1, tint_color=color_to_rgba_tuple(tint_color), border_color=color_to_rgba_tuple(border_color), frame_padding=frame_padding):
    return name, None
def input_float(label, value, *args, **kwargs)

Float input widget.

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def input_float(label, value, *args, **kwargs):
    """ Float input widget. """
    return interactive_elem(imgui.input_float, label, value, *args, **kwargs)
def input_text(name, value, buffer_length=255, tag=None, flags=0)

Text input.

Flags are defined by PyImGui. buffer_length doesn't affect widget size on screen, it limits the maximum character count only.

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def input_text(name, value, buffer_length=255, tag=None, flags=0):
    """ Text input.

    Flags are [defined by PyImGui](
    `buffer_length` doesn't affect widget size on screen, it limits the maximum character count only.
    while True:
        changed, new_value = imgui.input_text(name, value, buffer_length, flags)
        if changed:
            return (name if tag is None else tag), new_value
def input_text_multiline(name, value, buffer_length=4000, width=0, height=0, flags=0, tag=None)

Multiline text input.

Flags are defined by PyImGui.

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def input_text_multiline(name, value, buffer_length=4000, width=0, height=0, flags=0, tag=None):
    """ Multiline text input.

    Flags are [defined by PyImGui](
    while True:
        changed, new_value = imgui.input_text_multiline(name, value, buffer_length, width, height, flags)
        if changed:
            return (name if tag is None else tag), new_value
def invisible_button(label, width, height, tag=None)

Invisible button with a given width and height.

Can be interacted with as a normal button, including clicking and dragging.

Returns (label, None) on click, or (tag, None) if tag is specified.

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def invisible_button(label, width, height, tag=None):
    """ Invisible button with a given width and height.

    Can be interacted with as a normal button, including clicking and dragging.

    Returns `(label, None)` on click, or `(tag, None)` if tag is specified.
    while not imgui.invisible_button(label, width, height):
    return tag if tag is not None else label, None
def key_press(name, key_index, ctrl=False, shift=False, alt=False, super=False, repeat=True)

Invisible widget that waits for a given key to be pressed.

No widget must be active at the time to prevent triggering hotkeys by editing text fields. Key codes are specified by glfw, e.g. glfw.KEY_A, or glfw.KEY_SPACE. Upper-case ASCII codes also work, such as ord('A').

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def key_press(name, key_index, ctrl=False, shift=False, alt=False, super=False, repeat=True):
    """ Invisible widget that waits for a given key to be pressed.

    No widget must be active at the time to prevent triggering hotkeys by editing text fields.
    Key codes are specified by glfw, e.g. `glfw.KEY_A`, or `glfw.KEY_SPACE`.
    Upper-case ASCII codes also work, such as ord('A').
    io = imgui.get_io()
    while True:
        if imgui.is_key_pressed(key_index, repeat):
            if not imgui.is_any_item_active() and \
                    ctrl == io.key_ctrl and \
                    shift == io.key_shift and \
                    alt == io.key_alt and \
                    super == io.key_super:
                return name, None

def main_menu_bar(widget)

Create a main menu bar.

This requires setting menu_bar=True in the main() method. Otherwise, space wouldn't be reserved for the menu bar, and it would lay on top of window contents.

Main menu bar must be created outside any windows.

See examples/extra/ for an usage example.

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def main_menu_bar(widget):
    """ Create a main menu bar.

    This requires setting `menu_bar=True` in the `concur.integrations.glfw.main` method.
    Otherwise, space wouldn't be reserved for the menu bar, and it would lay on top of
    window contents.

    Main menu bar must be created outside any windows.

    See [examples/extra/](
    for an usage example.
    while True:
        assert imgui.begin_main_menu_bar(), "Main menu bar must be created outside a window."
        except StopIteration as e:
            return e.value
def menu(label, widget, enabled=True)

Create an expandable menu in the main_menu_bar().

Widgets commonly used in menus are menu_item(), and separator().

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def menu(label, widget, enabled=True):
    """ Create an expandable menu in the `main_menu_bar`.

    Widgets commonly used in menus are `menu_item`, and `separator`.
    while True:
        expanded = imgui.begin_menu(label, enabled)
            if expanded:
        except StopIteration as e:
            return e.value
            if expanded:
def menu_item(label, shortcut=None, selected=False, enabled=True, *args, **kwargs)

Create a menu item.

Menu items should be nested inside menu().

Item shortcuts are displayed for convenience, but are not processed in any way. They are easily handled by key_press() outside the menu code If key_press() was inside the menu, it would not be active when the menu is not expanded. Items may have a check-box (selected), and may or may not be enabled.

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def menu_item(label, shortcut=None, selected=False, enabled=True, *args, **kwargs):
    """ Create a menu item.

    Menu items should be nested inside `menu`.

    Item shortcuts are displayed for convenience, but are not processed in any way.
    They are easily handled by `key_press` outside the menu code If `key_press` was
    inside the menu, it would not be active when the menu is not expanded.
    Items may have a check-box (`selected`), and may or may not be `enabled`.
    return interactive_elem(imgui.menu_item, label, shortcut, selected, enabled, *args, **kwargs)
def mouse_click(name, button=0)

Invisible widget that waits for a given mouse button to be clicked (default: LMB).

This function is triggered only when no widgets are interacted with using mouse. Event is returned in the format (name, (x, y)), where (x, y) are the coordinates of the clicked position.

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def mouse_click(name, button=0):
    """ Invisible widget that waits for a given mouse button to be clicked (default: LMB).

    This function is triggered only when no widgets are interacted with using mouse.
    Event is returned in the format `(name, (x, y))`, where `(x, y)` are the coordinates
    of the clicked position.
    io = imgui.get_io()
    while True:
        if not imgui.is_any_item_active() and imgui.is_mouse_clicked(button):
            return name, io.mouse_pos
def orr_same_line(widgets)

Use instead of orr() to layout child widgets horizontally instead of vertically.

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def orr_same_line(widgets):
    """ Use instead of `concur.core.orr` to layout child widgets horizontally instead of vertically. """

    def intersperse(delimiter, seq):
        """ """
        from itertools import chain, repeat
        return list(chain.from_iterable(zip(repeat(delimiter), seq)))[1:]

    def group(widget):
        return orr([lift(imgui.begin_group), widget, lift(imgui.end_group)])

    return orr(intersperse(same_line(), [group(w) for w in widgets]))
def radio_button(label, active, tag=None)

Radio button. Returns (label, None) on click, or (tag, None) if tag is specified.

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def radio_button(label, active, tag=None):
    """ Radio button. Returns `(label, None)` on click, or `(tag, None)` if tag is specified. """
    while not imgui.radio_button(label, active):
    return (tag if tag is not None else label), None
def selectable(label, selected, *args, **kwargs)

Selectable line.

This widget marks the whole line as selectable. To add widgets to selectable(), simply append them using orr_same_line():

    c.selectable("Selectable", False),
    c.text("Extra text"),
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def selectable(label, selected, *args, **kwargs):
    """ Selectable line.

    This widget marks the whole line as selectable. To add widgets to `selectable`,
    simply append them using `orr_same_line`:

        c.selectable("Selectable", False),
        c.text("Extra text"),
    return interactive_elem(imgui.selectable, label, selected, *args, **kwargs)
def separator()

Horizontal separator.

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def separator():
    """ Horizontal separator. """
    return lift(imgui.separator)
def slider_float(label, value, min_value, max_value, *args, **kwargs)

Float selection slider.

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def slider_float(label, value, min_value, max_value, *args, **kwargs):
    """ Float selection slider. """
    return interactive_elem(imgui.slider_float, label, value, min_value, max_value, *args, **kwargs)
def slider_int(label, value, min_value, max_value, *args, **kwargs)

Int selection slider.

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def slider_int(label, value, min_value, max_value, *args, **kwargs):
    """ Int selection slider. """
    return interactive_elem(imgui.slider_int, label, value, min_value, max_value, *args, **kwargs)
def spacing()

Extra vertical space.

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def spacing():
    """ Extra vertical space. """
    return lift(imgui.spacing)
def test_window()

ImGui test window with a multitude of widgets.

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def test_window():
    """ ImGui test window with a multitude of widgets. """
    return lift(imgui.show_test_window)
def text(s)

Passive text display widget.

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def text(s):
    """ Passive text display widget. """
    return lift(imgui.text, s)
def text_colored(s, color)

Passive colored text display widget.

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def text_colored(s, color):
    """ Passive colored text display widget. """
    r, g, b, a = color_to_rgba_tuple(color)
    return lift(imgui.text_colored, s, r, g, b, a)
def text_tooltip(text, widget)

Display a text tooltip on hover

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def text_tooltip(text, widget):
    """Display a text tooltip on hover"""
    while True:
        except StopIteration as e:
            return e.value
        if imgui.is_item_hovered():
def text_wrapped(s)

Word wrapping text display widget. Recommended for long chunks of text.

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def text_wrapped(s):
    """ Word wrapping text display widget. Recommended for long chunks of text. """

    def f():

    return lift(f)
def tooltip(tooltip_widget, widget)

Display a widget tooltip on hover. May contain arbitrary elements, such as images.

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def tooltip(tooltip_widget, widget):
    """ Display a widget tooltip on hover. May contain arbitrary elements, such as images. """
    while True:
        except StopIteration as e:
            return e.value

        if imgui.is_item_hovered():
            except StopIteration as e:
                return e.value
def transform(x, y, widget, tf=None)

Use TF and a specified position x, y to transform a widget.

Only widget position will be affected (not scaling), and it will be positioned so that its upper left corner is at [x, y].

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def transform(x, y, widget, tf=None):
    # TODO: move somewhere else
    """ Use `concur.extra_widgets.pan_zoom.TF` and a specified position `x, y` to transform a widget.

    Only widget position will be affected (not scaling), and it will be positioned so that its upper left corner
    is at `[x, y]`.
    old_pos = imgui.get_cursor_screen_pos()
    if tf is not None:
        x, y = np.matmul(tf.c2s, [x, y, 1])
    while True:
            imgui.set_cursor_screen_pos((x, y))
        except StopIteration as e:
            return e.value
def tree_node(text, widget, open=True)

Display a collapsible tree node. It can be open or closed by default (parameter open).

Tree node content has left offset, unlike collapsing_header().

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def tree_node(text, widget, open=True):
    """Display a collapsible tree node. It can be open or closed by default (parameter `open`).

    Tree node content has left offset, unlike `collapsing_header`.
    while True:
        expanded = imgui.tree_node(text, flags=open and imgui.TREE_NODE_DEFAULT_OPEN)
            if expanded:
        except StopIteration as e:
            return e.value
            if expanded:
def window(title: str, widget: Any, position: Tuple[int, int] = None, size: Tuple[int, int] = None, flags: int = 0) ‑> Any

Create a window with a given widget inside.

Contents are drawn only if the window is opened.

  • Window title must be unique. Contents of windows with an identical title will appear inside a single window.
  • Windows must not be nested. Nested windows may lead to visibility feedback loops, which manifests as flicker on some docking operations.
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def window(title: str,
           widget: Widget,
           position: Tuple[int, int] = None,
           size: Tuple[int, int] = None,
           flags: int = 0) -> Widget:
    """ Create a window with a given `widget` inside.

    Contents are drawn only if the window is opened.

    * **Window title must be unique.** Contents of windows with an identical title will appear
      inside a single window.
    * **Windows must not be nested.** Nested windows may lead to visibility feedback loops,
      which manifests as flicker on some docking operations.
    while True:
        if position is not None:
        if size is not None:
            imgui.set_next_window_size(400, 300, imgui.FIRST_USE_EVER)
        expanded, opened = imgui.begin(title, flags=flags)
            if expanded and opened:
        except StopIteration as e:
            return e.value