Module concur.integrations

Integration with the host system: windowing, user input, etc.

Even using PyImGui's integration code, quite a bit of boilerplate is needed just to create a window, or to display an image. This module provides functions that simplify getting stuff rendered to just a couple of lines of code.

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""" Integration with the host system: windowing, user input, etc.

Even using PyImGui's integration code, quite a bit of boilerplate is needed just to create a window,
or to display an image. This module provides functions that simplify getting stuff rendered to just
a couple of lines of code.

import concur.integrations.glfw
import concur.integrations.opengl
import concur.integrations.puppet

from .glfw import *
from .opengl import *
from .quick import quick_plot, quick_window, quick_image



Main integration back-end.


Raw OpenGL functions, mostly for creating and deleting textures.


Automation back-end with screen capture and programmatical user input …


Simple plotting functions designed to monitor a process without slowing it down too much (experimental) …