Climbing Force Simulator

Circles represent climber's hands, feet, and the center of mass. Try dragging these three circles around, and see how the forces required to hold on change. In every position, it is posible to vary the body tension to shift weight towards climber's hands or feet.

Which force to minimize:
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Additional Information

Displayed forces are the ones required to achieve a static position. They are computed by solving the equations for zero net force and torque. Because there are only three equations for four variables, there is always one extra degree of freedom. This is the body tension, adjustable by the slider.

You can try it in real world. While climbing, it is always possible to pull on your hands in various ways such that your body position doesn't change. You can use this fact to optimize the forces in your fingers, maximize friction, etc. This app allows you to experiment with it virtually.

Force units are in % of body weight. For example, if your body mass is 60kg, then your body weight is ~600N. Force of 50% is then equivalent to 300N. "Body tension" is the torque required to keep the "extremities" from changing relative angle. Unit is % of body weight times meter.

You can check out the source code on GitHub, or you can discuss the app on Reddit.